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The Council of Bogota, DC, with 2003 project 088 adopts the Orquídea Odontoglossum luteopurpureum Lindl like flower standard of Bogota Capital District.

It is a epífita plant, of medium size, with pseudobulbs finished in two narrow leaves, inflorescencia in long cluster of several medium flowers and vistozas of form and variable color, but with predominance of mixed zones dark coffee with others of yellow or white color.

It was considered important to emphasize this orquídea, characteristic of adjacent hills to the savannah of Bogota, so that specially it is protected since one is in extinction danger.


it is the tree standard of the capital, replacing the traditional Sabanero Rubber and standing out by his longevity, resistance to the contamination and landscaping and historical value.

Apartir of the 13 of September of 2002, the Council of Bogota declared by means of Agreement No.69, the WALNUT like tree standard of the capital.


The Walnut of European origin, other names: Noguera, Intzaurrtze, Nogueira

Tree of wide glass of up to 25 M.s, trunk of crust with channels, glass of made oval form, green foliage sure grouped compound leaves at the end of the branches, alternating and of sawed edge.

Their fruits are the nuts, of high nutritious value. It has a wood of brown color with irregular veins that turn to gray and that works very well, being excellent to polish, reason why so much in the manufacture of furniture is used, like of art objects. Its plate is very decorative

Original species of Colombian mountain ranges, at the moment is in the suramérica north.

Its wood very is appreciated in ebanistería. The drink of the cofoundation of the leaves is a purifying one of the blood and serves to deal with affections the liver. The fruit is consumed by wild fauna. At the moment it is seeded in the city of Bogota like one of the selected species to arborizar the capital, being adapted very well in street 72, in race 24, street 170 among other examples.

The shield:

The 3 of December of 1538, were established like official shield by the Real Certificate, this shield was granted by Charles V for the New Kingdom of Granada. The eagle symbolizes the firmness and the nine grenades represent the value and the intrepidity.

The Flag:

The Flag of Bogota has origin in the movement of insurgency against the colonial authorities that exploded the 20 of 1810 July. The rebels began to take to that day in the forearm an insignia with the colors yellow and red, that are those of the Flag of then effective Spain for the New Kingdom of Granada. After 142 years, by means of decree 555 of the 9 of October of 1952, the patriotic insignia was left adopted official and definitively like Flag of Bogota.

The yellow is taken by representative from justice, mercy, virtue and benignancy and the red one by freedom symbol, health and charity.

El himno:

Letter: Pedro Medina Avendaño

Music: Roberto Pineda Duque.

Decree: 1000 de 1974.


Entonemos un himno a tu cielo, a tu tierra y tu puro vivir, blanca estrella que alumbra en los Andes ancha senda que va al porvenir.


Tres guerreros abrieron tus ojos a una espada, a una cruz y a un pendón. Desde entonces no hay miedo en tus lindes, ni codicia en tu gran corazón.


Hirió el hondo diamante un agosto, el cordaje de un nuevo laúd, y hoy se escucha el fluir melodioso en los himnos de la juventud.


Fértil madre de altiva progenie que sonríe ante el vano oropel, siempre atento a la luz del mañana y al pasado y su luz siempre fiel.


La Sabana es un cielo caído, una alfombra tendida a tus pies y del mundo variado que animas eres brazo y cerebro a la vez.


Sobreviven de un reino dorado, de un imperio sin puestas de sol, en ti un templo, un escudo, una reja, un retablo, una pila, un farol.


Al gran Caldas, que escruta los astros y a Bolívar, que torna a nacer; a Nariño, accionando la imprenta, como en los sueños los vuelves a ver.


Caros, Cuervos y Pombos y Silcas, tantos hombres de fama inmortal, que en el hilo sin fin de la historia les dio vida tu amor maternal.


Flor de razas, compendio y corona, en la patria no hay otra ni habrá. Nuestra voz la repiten los siglos: ¡Bogotá... Bogotá... Bogotá!.

Source: Mayorship of Bogota

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