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About the city

Bogota: Capital of the Republic of Colombia located in the department of Cundinamarca
Foundation: 6 of August of 1538 by Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada
Language: Spanish
Currency: Colombian peso Indicative of the City: Nacional 091 - The International 571
2,600 meters on the level of the sea
More information

Guide to buy in Bogota

This section contains recommended sites to make its purchases in Bogota, counts on several sections in where it can find the sites that we recommended. More information

What is inbogota.com?

This it is a vestibule that is mainly dedicated to guide our users so that they know Bogota Colombia, in addition to being a guide for the natives of Bogota which they want to be part of the events and the life in the city. www.inbogota.com

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Inbogota.com tells to the technology of the best finder of Internet adopting the necessary tools and lines for the optimization of this Web site, therefore you have the information of Bogota and Google in a same place, ideal to turn it the page of beginning of your explorer.

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9ºC Min /
18ºC Max


Plan his trips from or towards Bogota



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Dirección: Calle 127c # 45a - 55 Bogotá - Colombia
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